Illustrating heroines

Modern heroine

Representing extraordinary women Being able to imagine and draw extraordinary female charactersis one of the superpowers attributed to my humble status as graphic artist. The images of these heroines enrich the portfolio of idols and icons who serve as benchmarks for children, teenagers and all people, men or women, who are searching for role models!…

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Comics: Skin Stories.

brand content illustration comics

These two cartoons have been created for the “Skin Day” which will take place next Saturday. First, they will be presented at an exhibition organized by the French Society of Dermatology in Paris then in several French cities, as well as on the operation’s website. Brand content illustration with a bit of humor The idea…

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Comics for Nestlé waters.

french illustrator

Cartoons and brand content I’m making the most of this heat wave to talk to you about a pretty chilled project that i’ve been working on for several years now: comics. And you’ll quickly understand the relationship between the heat wave and this project! Eve, a working mother And as I said, I’ve been working…

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Cartoons: brand content for Nestlé Waters app

comics illustrator

Illustrator for comics application Here it is, the comics for application Idra trainer, for which I drew Eve, a heroine, her family and their adventures involving water is out! This application is distributed by Nestle waters, only available in Italy for the moment.  

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